
Custom Walls | Architectural Elements

Walls & Ceiling Elements That Wow You

Walls and ceilings  aren’t just for creating separation anymore. New materials and thinking are expanding the definition of what they can be. Today, custom built walls and other architectural elements add function and flexibility while expressing an organization’s unique personality and brand.


Walls With Personality

Walls can be more engaging constructed at unconventional angles or with cutouts. Dimensional wall tiles offer a wide range of styles such as wave patterns, bold symmetrical graphics and textures. Glass partitions can be more intriguing — and more private — with the application of graphics, that provide a simple, powerful way to brand a workplace. Walls can incorporate interactive features with whiteboards and displays. There are no limits with custom walls.


Walls That Move

Operable walls on tracks are a smart way to reconfigure a space to suit changing environments. Simply open or close in order to divide large spaces and create rooms that accommodate different size groups. Besides offering flexibility, operable walls provide acoustical benefits; can be decorative, tackable, or incorporate whiteboards to extend their practical use.


Walls That Adapt

Demountable wall systems and modular offices offer flexibility and added utility for businesses on the move. They are designed to assemble and disassemble easily to match the changing needs or evolving culture of an organization. Besides offering tremendous flexibility, demountable walls reduce installation time, weight and costs compared to traditional construction. They’re a good choice for shop offices or similar environments.

NBS Construction - Custom Ceilings

Ceilings That Do More

Creating a custom ceiling detail can enhance a space visually and functionally. Our team can create custom lids and soffits to add architectural interest, improve acoustic properties, integrate additional lighting and more. Elements can be suspended from the ceiling or integrated with exposed and drop ceilings to create a unique look.