
Auditoriums | Large Rooms

Brilliant Ideas for Big Spaces

You can lose an audience fast when your presentation’s video projection is dim or the audio is hard to understand. Large spaces with variable lighting and unique acoustical properties are especially challenging for an AV system. It takes skillful planning and integration to match the right technology with the physical environment to deliver a truly captivating experience.

Most large rooms require all the capabilities of a full-featured conference room: PC and laptop display, audioconferencing, webconferencing, proper lighting and ease-of-use. In large spaces, there are multiples of everything — inputs, cameras, microphones. Some rooms require multiple displays including LED video walls and laser projectors. Training rooms often require electronic notation and recording capabilities. Assisted listening systems might be necessary. Streaming live events requires control of multiple cameras, image magnification and special lighting.


Working the Room

Planning for all these variables is where our experience is invaluable. We listen carefully. Then we design a system that meets your aesthetic and technology requirements. In fact, NBS can address the entire project — technology infrastructure, physical space and furnishings — to make a powerful and lasting impression.